Microblogging & Online Professional Communities

 Once upon a time, resources for teaching and learning were limited to the people you had access to within your school or published content in your professional library. The internet and social media platforms have provided a means for connecting to professionals and resources all over the world.  

A professional learning community can be a great source of information that is often underutilize (Shah et al., 2024). People near you, and the experts you find online, can be a part of your robust professional learning community. Many experts use social media platforms to share ideas by posting bit size pieces of information through microblogging (Zhang et al., 2023). This form of research is a great way of expanding your professional learning and gain insight to something new. Facebook, Pinterest, and X are all places where professionals share knowledge and resources online. Use these platforms to expand your learning and discover new resources.


Shah, M. A., & Malik, S. (2024). In the Crucible of a Professional Learning Community: Becoming a Highly Effective Teacher in Challenging Contexts. International Journal of Instruction, 17(1), 313–338. https://doi.org/10.29333/iji.2024.17117a 

Zhang, Y., Ridings, C., & Semenov, A. (2023). What to post? Understanding engagement cultivation in microblogging with big data-driven theory building. International Journal of Information Management, 71(2023), 1-19.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2022.102509


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