Creating and Using Learning Objects

Learning objects are pieces of instructional materials that can be used to facilitate learning (Vieyra & González, 2020). A learning object should be a quality, reusable item that is easily accessible to students. A quality learning object is important for ensuring students have access to quality interactions related to content (Asih & Alief, 2022). 

Although these items can be something purchased from a publisher but learning objects can also be something you create as a teacher! There are many online products that can be used to create learning objects for your class. Specialized software is often used to create robust and complex learning objects that comes as a supplement to textbooks and other items but there are other programs that can be used that you already have access to right now. Powerpoint can be used to make an escape room while short cartoons can be made using Canva to align with your instructional goals. The videos below will help you get started with making your own learning objects. 

PowerPoint Escape Room

Canva Cartoons


Asih, R. A., & Alief, L. (2022). Students’ Experiences and Learning Objectives: Implications for Future Online Learning. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)16(2), 226–234

Vieyra, G. Q., & González, L. F. M. (2020). Learning Objects in Online Education: A Systemic Approach. European Journal of Education (EJE), 3(2), 142–152.


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